KONNEKTING USB Firmware Update

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  1. Download and install the "Arduino IDE". You can get it for free from https://www.arduino.cc
  2. Open Arduino IDE
  3. Go to "Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Manage Libraries ..."
  4. Search for "konnekting" and install the KONNEKTING Device Library that matches to your sketch you want to flash to your device. If you don't know which version this is, use the latest.
  5. Get the new sketch version. f.i. download it from coresponding github repository. For example:
    1. DFF4.1: https://github.com/KONNEKTING/DFF4.1
    2. Open the link and click on "Download" -> "Download ZIP".
    3. Extract the archive to your disk
    4. Back in Arduino IDE, go to "File" -> "Open..." and select the extracted firmware folder
  6. Now you Arduino IDE should show the source-code of the new firmware.
  7. Click on "Tools" -> "Board" -> "Board Manager"
  8. Install the board-platform that matches your KONNEKTING device (ask device maintainer). Newer devices require the "Arduino SAMD Boards" platform. Search for it and install latest version.
  9. Back in "Tools" -> "Board": Select your board. For our default SAMD based boards, choose: "Arduino/Genuino Zero (Native USB Port)
  10. Connect your KONNEKTING device via USB to your PC. The device may not et powered via USB, so you may have to connecto it to KNX Bus to power it.
  11. Once device is powered and connected to your PC (and all drivers are installed... depends on OS and connected board), click on "Tools" -> "Port" and select your connected device. It will be visible as some kind of Arduino Board, not as f.i. "KONNEKTING DFF4.1"
  12. Click on "Sketch" -> "Upload".
  13. The source code gets compiled and is then uploaded to your device.
    1. Depending on the sketch/firmare, you may have to install another library in your Arduino IDE. Ask your device maintainer for more details if compile-process fails.
  14. After that process has finished successfully, you may have to re-program the device with KONNEKTING Suite, because all setting may be lost.