Solder contact pins for KNX terminal

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What do we need

  • KNX terminal without cable
  • 2x pins
  • PCB
  • solder iron (about 25 W is enough)
  • soldering tin



Step 1

Place the KNX terminal upside down on table and put pins in it


Step 2

Put PCB on KNX terminal. Pins should go through the holes. PCB may stay tilted, but it is no problem. SolderKNXpins3.jpg

Step 3

Turn the PCB in the direction, so you can easily access one of KNX pins. Put soldering tin on a contact area and heat it up with a solder iron. Put enough solder tin on it. Whole pin and contact area should be covered. SolderKNXpins4.jpg

Step 4

Please check if KNX terminal is tilted or not. If yes, hold the PCB parallel to a table with KNX terminal upside down and heat up contact area. Now you can place terminal in a good position. After it let it cool down. SolderKNXpins5.jpg

Step 5

Now, you can solder the second contact.
