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  • BCU without ready-to-use KNX Transceiver like OnSemi, Siemens or Elmos
  • Small µC that reads/writes the bits to KNX bus and
  • "emulates" a reduced KNX TPUART BCU protocol


  • No dependency to onsemi & co: OnSemi had several times delivery difficulties; Elmos can not be ordered when you're private person, Siemens is not cheap
  • better handling wrt. bus powered supply
  • easier to build, due to no QFN package
  • Parts typically all available at german distributeros/electronic shops
  • possibly different and thus easier communication protocol (I2C?)
  • possibly more cpu cycles for the sketch due to caching on TinyBCU controller?!


  • not that tiny as MicroBCU due to more parts on PCB
  • possibly not significant cheaper than traditional BCU


  • Transceiver-Part: something to read/write the bits physically from/to KNX bus; simple analog circuit for extracting/inserting the bits from/to bus.
  • Controller-Part: something that can interpret the bits from transceiver-part and make it BCU-style readable + write the bits of a telegram to the transceiver-part
  • Supply-Part: voltage and current from bus: at least 3.3V and 5V with about >=50mA, without creating interferrences on the BUS


See: https://github.com/selfbus/hardware-incubation/tree/master/module/UPModule


See: https://github.com/selfbus/hardware-incubation/tree/master/module/UPModule For instance one can also use the "Polulu" step-down modules to create 3.3V and 5V from up to 40V input. The are multiple candidates available, f.i. from TI


Something like the Attiny85.


Open questions: How to debug? Maybe develop with Arduino UNO and then port to attiny?

SW: See: https://github.com/selfbus/software-arm-lib/tree/master/sblib/inc/sblib/eib