KONNEKTING Manufacturers
KONNEKTING Manufacturer ID List
If you want to create an KONNEKTING device, you have to have a manufacturer ID. The ID is a 16-bit value and is used to prevent conflicts when programming devices. You can register your ID for free. Please drop us a email with your
- Manufacturer Name
- a short description of you and/or your company, at least your full name
- and a contact information, like a valid email or mail address
- Manufacturer Name: Max Mustermann
- Description: Mustermann Ltd.
- Contact: max@mustermannltd.de
- Manufacturer Name: Max Mustermann
- Description: KNX User Forum / MaxMustermann0815
- Contact: max@mustermannltd.de
The Device ID and Revision, which is also required for a working KONNEKTING Device is completely up to you. You have to ensure by yourself that you do not create duplicates and conflicts.
- Why do I have to register?
We don't force you to register. As long as you build devices just for you, you can do whatever you want. But we would like to see you share your device with the world. So others would use your Sketch/Firmware as well, which may then conflict with an existing ID...
- How many devices can be created with one manufacturer id?
You can create up to 256 devices which can have 256 revisions. So in sum 65536 devices are possible with just one manufacturer ID. Choosing device ID and revision is up to you.
- Can I have ID 12345 (insert any ID here)?
In principle yes, but we try to fill the gaps from the beginning of the list.
The following list shows the known/registered manufacturers (not devices!)
ID dec | ID hex | Name | Description | Contact* | Date |
0..255 | 0000..00FF | KONNEKTING Team | system reserved | info@konnekting.de | 01.01.2016 |
256 | 0100 | Mag Gyver | KNX User Forum | foxfox[a]versanet.de | 01.01.2016 |
257 | 0101 | dreamy1 | KNX User Forum | stejak9999[a]gmail.com | 28.02.2015 |
258 | 0102 | ProtoLab | 3D printers and others prototypes | protolabch[a]gmail.com | 25.08.2016 |
259 | 0103 | Hassel K. | KNX User Forum | hassel[a]audiocommand.de | 16.09.2016 |
260 | 0104 | simplesign.de | Andreas Michel | support[a]simplesign.de | 07.11.2016 |
261 | 0105 | ivande | KNX User Forum | ivande[a]gmx.net | 10.01.2017 |
262 | 0106 | Simon Golpe | KNX User Forum | simongolpevarela[a]hotmail.de | 30.10.2017 |
263 | 0107 | Peterich | KNX User Forum | tomypter89[a]gmail.com | 05.01.2018 |
264 | 0108 | Sonnengruesser | KNX User Forum | ah-angst[a]gmx.at | 10.02.2018 |
265 | 0109 | Frank Plass | Frank Plass | konnekting[a]f-plass.de | 24.04.2018 |
1908 | 0774 | Eden Devices | KNX Special Sensors | technobucks[a]gmail.com | 06.02.2018 |
2069 | 0815 | Jens Höppner / jentz1986 | KNX User Forum | mail[a]jens-hoeppner.de | 05.03.2018 |
3333 | 0D05 | Ahlqvist | Joakim Ahlqvist | konnekting[a]ahlqvist.name | 11.04.2017 |
4112 | 1010 | René Seigert | KNX User Forum | rene_seigert[a]me.com | 12.10.2016 |
7070 | 1B9E | Eugen Burkowski | KONNEKTING Team | e.burkowski[a]konnekting.de | 12.02.2016 |
29495 | 7337 | SirSydom | KNX User Forum | com[a]sirsydom.de | 10.02.2018 |
43981 | ABCD | Matthias Freudenreich | KONNEKTING | KNX.Matthias[a]gmx.de | 15.02.2016 |
48842 | BECA | Josef L. | KNX User Forum | josef-konnekting[a]2lj.de | 26.02.2016 |
49374 | C0DE | Alexander Christian | KONNEKTING Team | knx[a]root1.de | 15.02.2016 |
51966 | CAFE | E. Hermanns / emax | KNX User Forum | emax[a]hermanns.net | 15.02.2016 |
52700 | CDDC | Christian Dürnberger / ChriD | KNX User Forum | chris_d85[a]hotmail.com | 27.05.2018 |
57005 | DEAD | KONNEKTING Team | For testing only | info@konnekting.de | 01.01.2016 |
64738 | FCE2 | Northman | KNX User Forum | northman[a]gmx.de | 25.04.2016 |
*note: '@' replaced by '[a]'